When your life starts spiraling out of control health-wise, you are left with a miserable sense of failure. It’s cold and bitter and absolutely no fun. When my job ended and my husband suggested that I take a few weeks to “get healthy”, I was like where do I even start? There’s so much wrong.
Never one to tolerate standing still, I decided if he wanted to invest in me that I wanted to make that investment profitable for both of us… I looked at all the things wrong, and ultimately I decided they were mostly tied to my weight.
If I could reduce that, then some of the increased blood pressure and extra asthma medications probably could be reduced or even eliminated. Then considered “extremely obese” with a near 50% BMI, I had a lot of work to do. It had to be a permanent change I could maintain if I chose to go back to work. It had to be something I could do at my house because gyms are really not a thing I will do.
I started working my arms first because I found a great little YouTube video for free. Hey, I am also cheap. It was hard. But I did it every day. It was only 12 minutes.
It was also easy to be successful with it. Do the 12 minutes, and I had worked out.
Is that really all it took? I think that success was a major turning point in me understanding I can do this. Me.
And if I can do it, you can do it! Come get bendy with me!